
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Schweertman in halve eindstrijd

Schweertman in halve eindstrijd DELFT - Piedro Schweertman heeft de halve eindstrijd bereikt van het Delft Open 2011. De Nederlandse squasher boekte in de kwartfinales een overtuigende zege op de Egyptenaar Karim Sany. Hij kwam met 0-2 in games achter maar domineerde daarna volledig: ... Schweertman in halve eindstrijd


山西公务员考试第1名被拒事件续:六责任人被追责 记者今天傍晚从山西省长治市新闻中心获悉,11月17日,长治市委、长治医学院党委分别召开会议,对此前公务员考录违规问题的相关责任人进行责任追究。长治市人力资源和社会保障局(以下简称"长治市人社局")和长治医学院 ... 山西公务员考试第1名被拒事件续:六责任人被追责

Up to 2600 barrels of oil leaked in spill off Brazil coast

Up to 2600 barrels of oil leaked in spill off Brazil coastUp to 2600 barrels of oil leaked in spill off Brazil coast RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) – More than 2600 barrels of oil may have spilled into the Atlantic ocean because of a leak at an offshore Chevron drilling site, Brazil's environmental protection agency said Friday. By Silvia Izquierdo, AP Greenpeace activists on ... Up to 2600 barrels of oil leaked in spill off Brazil coast

Le pape met en garde contre la "soumission inconditionnelle aux lois du marché"

Le pape met en garde contre la "soumission inconditionnelle aux lois du marché" (Belga) Le pape Benoît XVI a mis en garde vendredi contre les "écueils" du passage à la "modernité", parmi lesquels la "soumission inconditionnelle aux lois du marché ou de la finance", dans un discours à son arrivée au Bénin où il effectue son ... Le pape met en garde contre la "soumission inconditionnelle aux lois du marché"


意大利新政府赢得国会信任案投票 【免责声明】本文仅代表作者本人观点,与和讯网无关。和讯网站对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保证。请读者仅作参考,并请自行承担全部责任。 意大利新政府赢得国会信任案投票

Italian Bonds Climb as ECB Buys Debt; U.S. Stock Futures Advance

Italian Bonds Climb as ECB Buys Debt; U.S. Stock Futures Advance Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Italian and Spanish bonds rose as the European Central Bank bought the securities to stem the debt crisis. US stocks futures gained, signaling the Standard & Poor's 500 Index will rebound from a one-month low, ... Italian Bonds Climb as ECB Buys Debt; U.S. Stock Futures Advance

Hasar tespit çalışmalarına destek

Hasar tespit çalışmalarına destek Anadolu Üniversitesi'nin geliştirdiği yazılım, depremde oluşan hasarların kısa sürede belirlenmesi için AFAD'ın hizmetine sunuldu. Anadolu Üniversitesi (AÜ) Uydu ve Uzay Bilimleri Araştırma Enstitüsü tarafından geliştirilen ''Hasar Tespiti'' ... Hasar tespit çalışmalarına destek

Ganso diz que voltou ao Santos para ficar

Ganso diz que voltou ao Santos para ficar Herói do empate do Santos contra o Atlético-GO, por 1 a 1, conquistado aos 50 minutos do segundo tempo, Ganso comemorou o gol que salvou o Peixe de se despedir com derrota dos torcedores da capital, nesta quinta-feira, no Pacaembu. ... Ganso diz que voltou ao Santos para ficar


媒体称我国前三季度房价呈现上涨状态 中广网北京11月18日消息国家统计局今天公布了10月房价数据。在限购、限价、限贷等政策作用下,房价究竟会否显现拐点,还是仅仅是昙花一现,详细情况,我们来连线中国之声记者张棉棉。主持人:先来介绍一下今天发布了哪些 ... 媒体称我国前三季度房价呈现上涨状态


卡尔扎伊称阿富汗不会成为进攻他国基地 东方网11月18日消息:阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊说,阿富汗是个主权国家,美军驻扎在阿富汗是有条件的,阿富汗绝不允许从自己的领土向任何国家发动进攻。 沙特《欧卡兹报》今天报道说,阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊日前指出,"阿富汗是个 ... 卡尔扎伊称阿富汗不会成为进攻他国基地

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