
Sunday, November 6, 2011

베를루스코니 총리 사퇴?…금융시장 '널뛰기'

베를루스코니 총리 사퇴?…금융시장 '널뛰기' 그리스에 이어 이탈리아 재정위기가 국제금융시장을 불안하게 하고 있습니다. 어제(7일)는 베를루스코니 총리의 사퇴설이 나돌기도 했고, 오늘 치러지는 의회의 내년 예산 표결 결과도 관심입니다. 어제 유럽 주요 증시는 베를루스코니 이탈리아 총리의 사퇴 여부에 ... 베를루스코니 총리 사퇴?…금융시장 '널뛰기'

another day with tears.

another day with tears.Things are awful i hate myself i hate it all . and i hate him - i wont let you have control - I have control you will beg to talk to me ! * my thoughts* i will make you miss me so much that you will feel my pain . . *WHY DO YOU MAKE ME EVIL! * ...another day with tears.

民企反驳炼油减产指责 呼吁开放原油进口

民企反驳炼油减产指责 呼吁开放原油进口 "说民营油企囤油,那是借口,是不负责任的说法。地炼开工率低是因为没有原油资源可炼,我们的炼油还是盈利的。"11月7日,面对民营油企停产和囤油导致"柴油荒"的指责,全国工商联石油业商会会长、泰地控股集团有限公司董 ... 民企反驳炼油减产指责 呼吁开放原油进口

Ma Ngok: democracy: time to reform!

Ma Ngok: democracy: time to reform! [Ming Pao] Sunday's District Council elections, the election of Hong Kong made a lot of challenges conventional wisdom. The results of the democratic face, must be thoroughly thought reform. This election is one of the most prominent phenomenon is the democrat in many middle-class constituency dismal. Ronny Tong was only about one-third of the city in the first ballot, Taikoo Shing, Mobil, Belcher, Discovery Park's many years of democracy ...Ma Ngok: democracy: time to reform!

Yes I know my Second Life is untidy but there is no tendency to ...

Yes I know my Second Life is untidy but there is no tendency to ...Yes I know my Second Life is untidy but there is no tendency to improve. There is really a difference between my first and second Life. Yes I clean up my rooms every day in my first Life but does that mean its fun to do the same in Second Life? ...Yes I know my Second Life is untidy but there is no tendency to ...

Google öffnet sein Soziales Netzwerk für Unternehmen

Google öffnet sein Soziales Netzwerk für Unternehmen «Gut hundert Tage nach dem Start von Google+ bieten wir den Verbrauchern nun die Möglichkeit, sich nicht nur mit Personen zu verbinden, sondern mit all den Dingen, die ihnen am Herzen liegen», sagte Google-Manager Bradley Horowitz am Montag der ... Google öffnet sein Soziales Netzwerk für Unternehmen

Greece started talks to choose a new Prime Minister and opposition leader

Greece started talks to choose a new Prime Minister and opposition leader Greek Prime Minister Papandreou's main opposition party - Athens - Akio Fujiwara, "New Democratic Party," Samaras's leader has met again on July 7, begin to discuss the appointment of a new cabinet and new prime minister. Early evening (early morning of 08 Japan time) but also end the appointment, if prolonged, such as post-conflict, Greece and the euro zone markets.Greece started talks to choose a new Prime Minister and opposition leader

Begrip van Ruding voor maatregelen kabinet

Begrip van Ruding voor maatregelen kabinet Onno Ruding, oud-minister van Financiën, heeft weinig kritiek op crisismaatregelen die het vorige kabinet trof om gevolgen van de kredietcrisis op te vangen. Dat bleek maandag tijdens de eerste dag van verhoren van de parlementaire enquêtecommissie ... Begrip van Ruding voor maatregelen kabinet

Steuerkompromiss bringt im Schnitt 25 Euro mehr

Steuerkompromiss bringt im Schnitt 25 Euro mehr Die schwarz-gelbe Koalition hat sich auf Steuerentlastungen für die Bürger geeinigt - in Höhe von insgesamt sechs Milliarden Euro. Für den Durchnittsverdiener springt dabei nur wenig heraus. Die von der schwarz-gelben Koalition geplanten ... Steuerkompromiss bringt im Schnitt 25 Euro mehr


ラクガキ*最近ゲームばっかしているので、ずぇんずぇん絵を描いていない。 リハビリに番長。ラクガキ*

韩国加强对中国渔船稽查 署长巡视坠海身亡

韩国加强对中国渔船稽查 署长巡视坠海身亡 韩国群山海洋警察署署长郑甲秀(音)的遗体被打捞上岸。 据韩联社11月7日报道,韩国群山海洋警察署署长郑甲秀(音)当地时间4日在韩国海洋专属经济区(EEZ)巡视时不幸坠海身亡。 报道称,郑甲秀在事发前一天对他的妻子说 ... 韩国加强对中国渔船稽查 署长巡视坠海身亡

Ministry of Railways denied help from 800 billion yuan, said the state Department of rumors

Ministry of Railways denied help from 800 billion yuan, said the state Department of rumors Xinhua Beijing on November 7 from the Ministry of Railways, Xinhua correspondent today confirmed recent media reports, "the Ministry of Railways 800 billion to the state for help, hope financial support 400 billion, 400 billion while bonds to maintain the smooth progress of railway construction" was pure are rumors on the "Financial Secretary Ministry of Railways official" interview ...Ministry of Railways denied help from 800 billion yuan, said the state Department of rumors

La stella di Refàn.

La stella di Refàn.La pace di Gesù Cristo sia con tutti voi. Se volete potete leggete la Sacra Bibbia. E' L'unica fonte di verità. Una Parola "quotidiana". La stella di Refàn. image. La stella di Remphan – la stella a sei punte, è la Stella di Davide? Avete notato ...La stella di Refàn.

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