
Monday, November 14, 2011


东电股东拟诉61名董事会成员 日本东京电力公司42名股东14日要求企业审计人员向61名现任和前任董事会成员提起诉讼,向他们索取5.5万亿日元(约合713亿美元),以赔付福岛核电站事故受害者。 共同社援引这些股东代理律师的话报道,他们认为,61名东电 ... 东电股东拟诉61名董事会成员


王传福:比亚迪犯了三大错误 颇有点中国汽车工业的乔布斯气质,比亚迪"当家人"王传福还在偏执地追逐着电动车王国的梦想。 上周,比亚迪召开的沟通会上,王传福脱稿足足讲了一个多小时。"我们之前犯下三个错误,我们还有三个梦想",王传福首次对媒体 ... 王传福:比亚迪犯了三大错误

FedExForumMemphis, TN

FedExForumMemphis, TN MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -- At times during his years at Memphis, senior forward Wesley Witherspoon has disappeared - either not playing up to his potential or struggling through injuries. Witherspoon showed up against Belmont on Tuesday, hitting all eight ... FedExForumMemphis, TN

支持太阳能充电 Bambook白色经典售499元

支持太阳能充电 Bambook白色经典售499元 盛大Bambook白色经典版配置主流6英寸E-ink屏,16级高灰阶,强光下也可阅读。整机续航长,还支持太阳能充电,在有阳光的地方就能不断电畅享阅读。目前该机报价499元,感兴趣的朋友可去中关村(海龙大厦南侧)四通大厦408室 ... 支持太阳能充电 Bambook白色经典售499元

Lennon's 'Bed Peace' sells for $160000

Lennon's 'Bed Peace' sells for $160000 By Randy Boswell, Postmedia News November 15, 2011 3:55 PM A Christies employee poses with "Bed Peace", a placard by late Beatles singer-songerwriter John Lennon, used during the historic Montreal Bed-In for Peace in 1969. The sign fetched close to ... Lennon's 'Bed Peace' sells for $160000

Juninho pede para ser poupado e Felipe enfrenta o Palmeiras

Juninho pede para ser poupado e Felipe enfrenta o Palmeiras Juninho pede para ser poupado e Felipe enfrenta o Palmeiras

We're committed to Blackburn: Venkatesh Rao

We're committed to Blackburn: Venkatesh Rao "No offer has been made and neither are we interested in selling the club. We do not plan to sell it at any time," Venky's joint managing director Venkatesh Rao told TOI. (TOI Photo) PUNE: Venkatesh Rao, joint managing director of Venky's, ... We're committed to Blackburn: Venkatesh Rao

“哈利波特”导演拍《神秘博士》 曾是热门剧集

法制晚报11月15日报道 大卫·耶茨执导了"哈利·波特"系列电影的最后四部并且大获全胜,这位英国导演也因此跻身世界一流导演行列。 不过,据美国知名杂志《综艺》今日凌晨报道,大卫·耶茨正在与英国BBC电视台合作,将经典 ... "哈利波特"导演拍《神秘博士》 曾是热门剧集

Need to Know News: Police evict Occupy Protesters from New York park; Sandusky ...

Need to Know News: Police evict Occupy Protesters from New York park; Sandusky ... Each day, we here at "Piers Morgan Tonight" put together the news you need to know – from what happened last night to what will happen today. For November 15, 2011 – Police evict Occupy protesters from New York park, Jerry Sandusky admits he 'horsed ... Need to Know News: Police evict Occupy Protesters from New York park; Sandusky ...

クールジャパンを発信せよ! 台湾で絵師100人展

クールジャパンを発信せよ! 台湾で絵師100人展 海外初開催の開幕に先立って報道陣に公開された「絵師100人展」。人気イラストレーターのあずまゆきさん(右)や西又葵さん(中央)らも駆けつけた=15日午後、高雄市内(吉村剛史撮影) 【高雄(台湾南部)=吉村剛史】アニメやマンガ、ゲームなど日本発信の ... クールジャパンを発信せよ! 台湾で絵師100人展

Singapore's Tiger gets OK to fly more sectors in Australia

Singapore's Tiger gets OK to fly more sectors in Australia SINGAPORE Nov 15 (Reuters) - Singapore's Tiger Airways Holdings Ltd said on Tuesday its Australia unit has received regulatory approval to operate a maximum of 32 sectors per day, an increase from the current limit of 22 sectors. ... Singapore's Tiger gets OK to fly more sectors in Australia

World stocks drop as Italy debt woes brew

World stocks drop as Italy debt woes brew BANGKOK: World stock markets fell Tuesday amid simmering concerns over whether Italy would ever grow robustly enough to repay its massive debts. Benchmark crude hovered above $98 per barrel. The dollar rose against the euro but slipped against the yen. ... World stocks drop as Italy debt woes brew


国内 11月15日,屠呦呦研究员上台领奖。当日,中国中医科学院2011科技工作大会在北京召开,屠呦呦研究员获颁"中国中医科学院杰出贡献奖"。同时,屠呦呦青蒿素研究团队也获得100万元的奖励。新华社记者 金立旺 新华网北京11月 ... 国内


蔡京玲:不妨给保障房竣工时间划道红线 近日,有媒体报道称,全国已开工的1000万套保障房中约1/3属"挖坑待建"情况。对此,住建部有关负责人称,今年开工建设1000万套保障性住房的开工标准是,规划设计的永久性建筑工程已进入地基基础的结构施工,仅搭建施工现 ... 蔡京玲:不妨给保障房竣工时间划道红线

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